The Taxation Is Theft Podcast:
All the ways the government is ripping you off, and what you can do to stop them!
Mayor dismisses Every Parking Ticket In her Town
This week on the show, we have Cassaundra Fryman! A mayor going viral for pardoning every parking ticket in her town. She is a mayor in Plymouth Ohio, a small village, presiding over a community of 1800 people. This is her first term, which began in January of this year. She became involved in politics after being very active in a local nonprofit that focuses on village improvement and creating a sense of community. She has been married to her supportive husband Carl for ten years, and they have two sons, Connor and Harrison. The venmo mentioned in the episode is @plymouthimprovementcommittee And remember to check us out at Never forget that Taxation is Theft! As always, we are streaming on multiple platforms! Find us on Facebook at And on YouTube at