
May 26, 2023

The government’s own admission about taxes:

Often times when we look to the government for answers, we are only given unofficial information or opinions. The IRS will tell…

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July 9, 2022

Pregnant woman says her fetus should count as a passenger in HOV lanes. She got a ticket.

The Dallas Morning News reported that a pregnant woman was driving in the High Occupancy Vehicle lane. The article includes an interview…

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taxes 1040 form
April 18, 2022

How to Stop Paying Taxes (Legally)

This isn’t something you’re going to learn in 10 minutes, but it absolutely is possible and this page should give you a…

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18cnd planespan articleLarge
November 20, 2016

Man flies plane into IRS building

AUSTIN, Tex. — Leaving behind a rant against the government, big business and particularly the tax system, a computer engineer smashed a…

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