The Taxation Is Theft Podcast:
All the ways the government is ripping you off, and what you can do to stop them!

October 16, 2020
Join me with Matt Sands to talk about the Non-Aggression Principle and how it can be established with law and without government….
Nations of Sanity – A International Non-Aggression Law

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October 14, 2020
‘A Giant Middle Finger to the Entire System’: Trans Anarchist Satanist Runs for Sheriff. She won the election by putting an R…
How to Steal an Election – With Aria DiMezzo, Trans Anarchist Satanist

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October 12, 2020
Join me on this one on one interview with Ryan Abshire, a Dedicated candidate running with no party and demanding change, “I…
“No Man A King” – Disaster Response Nada – Future Mayor of Lake Charles Louisiana

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October 9, 2020
Brandon Kirby, an expert in ANTI money laundering tells us all about the Cayman Islands, the do’s and don’t’s, and a wonderful…
How to launder money in the Cayman Islands …. or not …

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October 8, 2020
This is going to be an awesome episode about 3d printing and guns! And as always, check us out…
3D Printing with CTRL Pew!

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October 7, 2020
A follower, Tovarisch Agorist, reached out with an interesting proposition for a debate. We are going to discuss whether or not it…
Debate: Can you be a real libertarian and also run for office?

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October 5, 2020
You have the right to talk to an attorney, which is exactly what I’m going to do today. You may know the…
Shut the F*%K up! With the Pot Brothers at Law!

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October 2, 2020
On this episode of the show, Dan talks to fellow former Libertarian presidential candidate, Arvin Vohra. Dan and Arvin open this conversation…
Going live with Arvin Vohra

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October 1, 2020
Join me for a an update from the Libertarian Presidential campaign trail, with Vice Presidential candidate Spike Cohen. Spike then follows this…
Spike Cohen – Tales from the Trail

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September 30, 2020
Do YOU want to pay taxes? Probably not. If you do, move along. If you don’t, then tune in to this special…
Lies Of The State with Nannette

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